Confronted with medical emergencies, you are likely to get agile and stressed because those situations are not the easiest of the things to handle and people even with nerves of steels get broken during those medical emergency situations, you definitely
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Ambulance service is extremely crucial for emergency purpose and helps in transport of the patient through multiple routes. The ambulances are equipped with all the latest medical technology and equipment. Lakshya Rescue offers a fleet of ambulance service for all
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Even in this digital age, only there are a few hospitals available in the world that can provide specialized care. But taking the patient to these medical facilities within the least amount of time is a big challenge. Air ambulance
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When you have a medical emergency, you are likely to find yourself struggling with a situation that could soon get out of control where things can turn scary but then you can make things working for you if you know
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It is the ultimate fact that reaching the hospital and getting all the care and facility can lead to saving somebody’s life. In the present situation, we can see that the average time for an ambulance reaching the hospital is
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Ever wondered how to rescue a patient from a remote area or evacuate injured victims after a natural disaster? When there is emergency, it is important to think of the quickest possible solution. In medical world, the quickest way to
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